Round Table “Programmable Euro: How can Digital Business Models be Built?” on August 20, 2020
We will host an online round table on the topic “Programmable Euro: How can Digital Business Models be Built?” on August 20, 2020. The goal is to bring a group of max. 15 experts and decision makers together to discuss business models that would benefit from a programmable Euro and explore how such business models can be built. If you are interested and would like to participate, the next paragraphs will give you further information. If you want to apply as a participant of this round table, please fill out the application form (5 minutes).
What is the content of this round table?
The goal of this round table is to foster the exchange of knowledge between a small group of max. 15 blockchain experts and decision makers from industrial companies in order to explore digital business models. The programmable euro will allow the execution of automated smart contracts, accounting denoted in Euro, and the connection to millions of devices and machines. Experts knowledgeable about these topics should instruct executives from industrial companies — and vice versa. This especially applies to areas such as Industry 4.0, future mobility, logistics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and data monetization in general. These areas will be digitally transformed through a digital programmable Euro in particular but also through blockchain and smart contracts in general. Therefore, a digital programmable Euro is increasingly demanded by various stakeholders including the European Commission, the Bundesbank, the Federal Ministry of Finance, financial organizations and industrial corporations.
In the capacity of the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center as a platform for disseminating and transferring knowledge, we would like to promote discussion in this area focussing on the application side. In particular, our aim is to discuss — in a small group of max. 15 people — potential business models involving the digital programmable Euro and their implementation. To do this, we have invited several key experts from the field that will participate in the round table.
Experts invited to the round table
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
- Dr. Carsten Stöcker, Spherity
- Maximilian Forster, Cash On Ledger
- Jonas Groß, Universität Bayreuth
- Radoslav Albrecht, Bitbond
- Philipp Schulden, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
Location, date and application
- Location: online conference (Zoom)
- Date: August 20, 2020
- Time: 17h00–18h30 (CEST)
- Language: German
- Application required by filling out this application form (5 minutes)
- Maximum number of participants: 15
Who should participate?
- Decision-makers and employees from the financial and manufacturing industries who are interested in the effects of digital money on their organisation
- Employees from the sectors of Industry 4.0, future mobility, logistics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and data monetization
- Analysts who deal with the application of digital money
- Journalists from the economics and technology department
- Employees of startups with digital business models
Background on the topic
In our recent study, the experts were asked to quantify the importance of key benefits of the digital programmable Euro on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates not important at all, and 5 indicates very important. As depicted in Figure 1, automation is regarded as the most important benefit of the digital programmable Euro with a mean of 4.34. Higher efficiency in cross-border payments and near real-time settlement with other assets, rights or goods are rated with a mean of 3.90 and 3.91, respectively. Other benefits of a digital programmable Euro mentioned by the experts were higher interoperability, convenience and financial integrity by simplifying anti-money laundering procedures.
Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
Telefon: +49 69 154 008–790
About the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC) is a think tank and research center primarily focusing on the implications of blockchain technology for companies and businesses. In addition to the development of blockchain prototypes, the center offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge and thought for decision-makers and startups as well as technology and industry experts. The FSBC sets new research impulses and develops education programs for students and executives. The center concentrates primarily on the areas of banking, energy, mobility, and the manufacturing industry.
More information about the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center can be found on the Internet, on Twitter or on LinkedIn.
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Do you want to learn more about how blockchain will change our world?
- Blockchain knowledge: We wrote a Medium article on how to acquire the necessary blockchain knowledge within a workload of 10 working days.