Frankfurt School Blockchain Center and WM Datenservice continue their partnership with various upcoming projects within FSBC’s Web3 Talents ecosystem


Frankfurt am Main, August 1, 2024 — We are delighted to continue working with our partner WM Datenservice and its newly established innovation arm “WM InnoLab”, thereby aligning our visions and talents in various upcoming projects.

This partnership combines WM Datenservice’s expertise in traditional finance with FSBC’s blockchain research and innovation within the Web3 Talents programs, Frankfurt School’s stakeholders, and the German financial institution landscape. Together, we aim to further explore the potential of blockchain technology in traditional finance.

Blockchains consist of tamper-proof data that is permanently recorded and distributed on digital networks, facilitating financial and social innovations, and ensuring secure and fast exchange of value and assets such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Our mutual goal is to actively shape the financial industry’s future and contribute to the development of best practices in the market. Through this partnership, FSBC, together with WM InnoLab, will assist in educating the next generation of innovators about the possibilities of DeFi and its intersection with the financial industry. We are confident that this collaboration will drive transformative advancements and shape the future of the digital finance ecosystem.

Frankfurt School Blockchain Center is a think tank and research center, which investigates implications of the blockchain technology, crypto assets and distributed ledger technology (DLT) for companies and their business models. The partnership will bundle academic as well as practical insights into DLT technology in the banking and finance world in order to be able to offer even better services.

WM Datenservice is a trusted and longstanding partner of the financial industry. WM supports with data solutions, integrated data, and information along the entire process chain of securities. In doing so, WM provides the most important and trusted data for securities businesses and continuously develops new analytical tools and services to offer targeted solutions based on customer feedback with deeply rooted expertise and dedication to quality. With a strong foundation in place, WM InnoLab is the new division of WM Datenservice dedicated to driving innovation and creating solutions that empower clients and stakeholders. WM InnoLab represents the commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing change. By leveraging technology and academic insights as a catalyst for innovation, WM is poised to create meaningful advancements in the finance industry.

Dr. Duc Au, Co-Head WM InnoLab: said: “We want to continue the great work of Philipp Sandner to foster innovation in finance related to the blockchain-technology. Frankfurt School Blockchain Center is globally-renowned for excellent research in this field and thus an ideal R&D-partner for us.”

Julian Giessing, Co-Head WM InnoLab: “With the WM InnoLab we like to support technology R&D and its application in industry use cases. Frankfurt School has a strong research background in finance and is therefore an ideal partner to drive innovation in blockchain applications.”

Visit the respective websites to learn more about WM Datenservice and WM InnoLab.

Valentin Kalinov, Head of FSBC’s Web3 Talents, commented on the partnership: “WM InnoLab is a truly forward-thinking company with a strong foundation in place. This partnership will enable us to unlock new possibilities for innovation in both traditional finance and decentralized technologies.”

To learn more about Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, visit:

