Bitcoin influencers: How decentralized opinion leaders on Twitter (X) shape the Bitcoin discussion


Author: Constantin Lichti

Bitcoin has made global headlines in recent years, with a significant portion of the cryptocurrency discourse taking place on Twitter, renamed X this year. A single tweet by Elon Musk, who in 2021 announced on Twitter that Bitcoin would be accepted in payment for Tesla products, can have a significant impact on the crypto market as a whole. Yet there are others on Twitter who also play a role in shaping the way Bitcoin is viewed.

In a recent study, together with Endrit Ademi and Professor Andranik Tumasjan of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, we identified those Bitcoin opinion leaders (BOLs) to show their impact on the Bitcoin discourse. We analyzed 115 million Bitcoin-related tweets posted from 2009 to 2022 and, on the basis of this extensive analysis, present an opinion leader index that identified such influencers and classified them into eight different archetype groups.

Figure 1: Bitcoin influencers infographic

From Michael Saylor to Elon Musk and PlanB: Who shapes the Bitcoin debate on Twitter (X)?

The opinion leader index aims to identify the most important Bitcoin influencers, using six indicators: (1) audience engagement, (2) niche alignment, (3) reputation, (4) audience reach, (5) activity, and (6) consistency. If at least three of the six criteria are met, we consider the person a Bitcoin opinion leader or “BOL” on Twitter.

Using this scoring scheme, 218 Twitter users were identified who met at least three criteria. It turned out that only two opinion leaders, Michael Saylor, and Anthony Pompliano, met all six criteria, highlighting their importance and influence among the Bitcoin community. The BOLs have, on average, slightly more than one million followers. Almost half (49 percent) of the corresponding BOL accounts are “verified,” i.e., they have been confirmed as both notable and authentic. The average age of these accounts is just under 10 years, indicating that these BOLs have been active for some considerable time. The high rate of public engagement with these accounts is demonstrated by the average interaction counts — likes (250), retweets (36), and replies (28). More than one-third (38 percent) of tweets are replies, demonstrating a high level of interaction of these BOLs with their audiences.

Eight archetypes of Bitcoin influencers

Using the scheme of six criteria, we categorized the 218 BOLs into eight different archetype groups, also taking into account Bitcoin critics and influencers who remain anonymous. We designated the groups as follows:

  • Bitcoin Maximalists (e.g., Tone Vays)
  • Crypto All-Stars (e.g., Vitalik Buterin)
  • Millionaire Magnets (e.g., Elon Musk)
  • Engagement Gurus (e.g., Lark Davis)
  • Bitcoin Conversationalists (e.g., Tiffany Hayden)
  • Persistent Pundits (e.g., Elizabeth Stark)
  • Incognito Influencers (e.g., as PlanB)
  • Confrontational Conversationalists (e.g., Peter Schiff)

We also analyzed their text corpus using the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) software. This is a systematically constructed dictionary with more than 12,000 predefined words and word stems that allows its users to quantify specified linguistic categories and detect subtle language variations. The results showed that each archetype has an individual communication style and content focus that ranges from financial and technological aspects to power and politics.

Strong correlations between Bitcoin influencer activities and the Bitcoin price

We also found that, in the years 2009 to 2022, there was a strong link between the opinion leaders’ tweet activities and the engagement of their audiences and what happened to the Bitcoin price. It is remarkable how closely their communications correlated with Bitcoin price performance, despite the fact that they were using differing communication strategies.

Figure 2: Number of tweets across BOL archetypes compared to Bitcoin price over time (monthly)
Figure 3: Engagement metrics across BOL archetypes compared to Bitcoin price over time (monthly)


Our analysis provides insights into the mechanisms of opinion leadership in decentralized settings that are characterized by technologies such as Bitcoin. Future explorations of these Bitcoin influencers might provide individual rankings, such as the TOP 100 Millionaire Magnets, Engagement Gurus, Bitcoin Conversationalists, etc. Beyond Bitcoin, the study revealed that the opinion leader index represents a suitable tool for identifying influencers in other decentralized contexts and active on other social media platforms.

In summary, the study’s findings underscore the growing importance of influencers and social media in the cryptocurrency space. Anyone with interest in or active in the Bitcoin and crypto world should follow the opinion leaders and the discussion on Twitter if they wish to better understand and assess the dynamics of the crypto scene.

About the Study

The study comprises 10 pages and can be downloaded here (668 kB, direct link to PDF).

Professor Andranik Tumasjan and his team are members of the Management and Digital Transformation (MDT) research group at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Their work focuses on the interface between management and digital technologies, with a current emphasis on the potential of blockchain technology. This recent study on the Bitcoin discourse has been published in the Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-57), which took place from January 3rd to 6th, 2024 in Honolulu.

Parts of this study were published in media outlets, including Der Spiegel and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).


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Constantin Lichti is a research assistant and project manager at the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC), and is currently leading the Bitcoin Talents program. Furthermore, he is responsible for project proposals and grants as well as studies published at the FSBC. As a doctoral candidate, his research interests include individual Bitcoin adoption and how the discourse on Bitcoin and blockchain technology is reflected in social media. He graduated from the Technical University of Munich with a master’s degree in industrial engineering and management. You can contact him via email ( and LinkedIn.

